www.eastkentcentre.co.uk - Our email address: events@eastkentcentre.co.uk
Please Join our NEW
For further information
Place cursor Over Boxes below For the Full
Information Links
This is the East Kent Centre’s Web-Site
The EKC Centre was formed on 9th October 1965 so this Year will be our 58th Year.
The EKC is one of many Centre’s that are listed in the Caravan Club Directory & Handbook.
If you are a member of the Caravan Club you may join us on any Centre event and will be most welcome.
If you want to get more from your caravan, enter this site and have a look at the varied
Rally programme of all our rallies. We are sure you will find something to interest you.
If you haven't tried a weekend without the luxury of electric hook up -
then there is nothing to worry about - a leisure battery
and gas will keep you comfortable for a weekend and much longer!
The buttons above will answer many of your questions.
The East Kent Centre Charity 24/25
It has been decided that due to sufficient funds in the EKC account for the 60th birthday, We will now be
Now raising money for 2024/25 Nominated Charity. ‘’The Strode Park Foundation’’.
East Kent Centre Rule update information |
This Section is regularly updated. (Please Refresh) |
PAYMENTS FOR RALLIES Following our committee meeting last night, the following decision has been agreed upon All rallies must be paid in full including social fees no less than two weeks in advance of the date of the rally. This will take immediate effect so can marshals please take note of this. |
CHEQUES FOR RALLIES Please note that ALL Cheques be made out to ''The Caravan Club East Kent Centre'' ALSO Please can you look at the Cheque's you receive that the Dates on the Cheque's are not over 6 Months OLD, Banks will not accept these. Please from this point can persons sending Cheques with their Booking Form. PLEASE DATE THE CHEQUE WITH THE DATE OF THE RALLY BEING BOOKED |
Caravan and Motorhome Club Click on this Link to see the updated Centres Privacy Notice. Link is also on the EKC Rule Section inside this Site. |
East Kent Members - Unfortunately, re-registration has to be carried out every year and does often get missed.
Please ensure you check your centre registration details online at the caravan clubs website www.caravanclub.co.uk/local-groups or by contacting East Grinstead. This is especially important close to the AGM if you wish to speak, vote, stand for committee or propose
or second a notice of motion.
New Rule 4. (Please Note)
Photography/videography may be taken at our Centre’s events
and rallies. The Centre and Club may use any photograph(s) and/or video(s) they take that includes you, your party and/or outfit in all and any media, including printed and electronic publications, e.g. websites, or promotional materials, in the advertising of its goods or services.
The photograph(s) and/or video(s) maybe stored for these purposes
as well. If you do not want to appear in any shots, please advise the organiser if it relates to a specific event, or the Centre Secretary if for
all events. They will do their best to accommodate this and ensure
you are able to avoid the area being photographed/filmed.
Change to Rule 4
Hello EKC Rallier’s
As your Centre Treasurer, I am pleased to announce that now we can accept payments for Rally’s by BACS,
I have set up a separate deposit account.
Moving forward you still have the choice to pay by cheque.
If you choose to pay by BACS please contact the marshal of the rally you wish to attend, the marshal will then give you the account details
to use. Once you have paid once by BACS you will have the details,
the account will not change in any way.
There is a new rally booking form to be used moving forward which has a box to tick to indicate that you have paid via bacs.
Please when paying by BACS use the Rally number you are paying
for as the reference.
Once the marshal has received your booking form, they will contact me to confirm that your payment has been received.
BACS TRANSFERS - Bank Details: Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code: 20-18-93, Account Number: 60282294
Bank Account Name: The Caravan Club East Kent Centre
Ref: - Rally Number followed by SURNAME
REMEMBER Your Marshal can not accept CASH any more.
Kind Regards
Andy McDonald
(East Kent Centre Treasurer)
REVISED 2024 / 25
Booking Forms
Future Payment for East Kent Rallies (2025 onwards)
Notice from the East Kent Centre Treasurer.
It is with regret that the committee have agreed that in future we can no longer accept any cash payments for both Rallies or Social fees. This is due purely to difficulty in paying cash in to a bank for the centre.
Kind Regards. Andy McDonald (EKC Treasurer)
Chairmans Welcome |
What to Expect on a EKC Rally |
F.A.Q's |
How Do I Book |
Info for a Marshal |
Useful Terms |
Rallying without Electric |
Message from Rally Secretary |
Past Chairman's |
Youth Presidents |
EKC Charities |
Social Media Rules |
Message from the Treasurer. |