www.eastkentcentre.co.uk - Our email address: events@eastkentcentre.co.uk
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Firstly, may I thank you all for supporting our Centre last year. It has been great to welcome new members to the Centre and to our Web-Site Rally Secretary page and we hope that they will continue to rally with us. I have enjoyed my second year as Rally Secretary, and I am looking forward to going into my third year. Our 2022/23 season held some great events. We enjoyed our Christmas and New Year celebrations, Easter in Henley-on-Thames, our Birthday rally and our holiday rally in Weymouth.
We were also privileged to celebrate 50 years of caravanning with Tony & Jennie Beaney, sadly say goodbye to our Chairlady, Tracy McDonald and welcome our new Chairman, Paul Burgin. We have a varied programme organised for 2024 which includes Easter in Suffolk, our European holiday in Germany, White House Farm in Uckfield and I have also have a invite for the Steam Rally at Woodchurch. If you are interested in running a UK holiday in 2025 and have an area, site and dates in mind then please let me know so I can liaise with yourself and the campsite to arrange the holiday. Holiday sites get booked up very early by other centres so the earlier we can make the booking the better. We are struggling to find venues for our winter rallies which have a hall we can hire. Some schools which we have used in the past or are currently using have started to develop their sites so can no longer accommodate us. You may notice that prices have increased at most venues, this is due to increasing costs for our landowners. There are still some vacant slots for marshals and assistant marshals. If you are interested in running a rally, please let me know as soon as possible. If you are unsure what a marshal/assistant marshal does for a rally then I will be only too happy to discuss this with you. Without our marshals and assistants these rallies cannot go ahead and will sadly be cancelled. We are still running our incentive reward scheme to encourage our members to support our rallies. The Committee was able to give several vouchers for free rallies out to members who had supported ten rallies and to new members. This year we again rewarded our marshals and have now started to reward our assistant marshals for their help in running a rally. Finally, a huge “thank you” must go to all the marshals and assistant marshals who have supported our Centre this year in running rallies. Without you the Centre would not work - no marshals, no rallies, so you are very important. I also would like to thank all the members who have supported the rallies. It makes my Rally Secretary position worthwhile.
I look forward to seeing you on the rally field.
Pauline Burgin
Chairmans Welcome |
What to Expect on a EKC Rally |
F.A.Q's |
How Do I Book |
Info for a Marshal |
Useful Terms |
Rallying without Electric |
Message from Rally Secretary |
Past Chairman's |
Youth Presidents |
EKC Charities |
Social Media Rules |
Message from the Treasurer. |